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About the Program
The Lycan Co-Producer program invites you to co-develop and co-produce specific EV products, models, and technologies that you believe in by contributing financially, technically, or strategically.
In return of your contribution, you are granted a license to earn lifetime* royalties and acquire limited rights and privileges towards the product or model.
*so long as the product, model, or technology is being produced and sold anywhere in the world.

Why Become a Lycan Co-Producer?
Involvement in Product Development
Be part of the product's advisory board and contribute valuable insights in the design, development, and commercialization of products and technologies. Visit our facilities and join our workshops to see our progress.
Be Part of an Innovative Future
Become a direct catalyst of change through the commercialization of environment-friendly products and technologies
Royalty Income Tied to Product Sales
Earn a percentage of future revenues for every unit sold as a limited rights licensee of the product, model, or technology
Become a Producer of Innovation
Shifting from a consumer country to a producer of vehicles and technologies, you share in the success of Lycan's products and value propositions
Influence the Trajectory of the Industry
Shape how the Philippine EV industry adapts to new technologies and business models through novel products and offerings
Acknowledgement as a Co-Producer
You are acknowledged as a Co-Producer in all applicable marketing materials pertaining to the product, model, or technology you co-produced with us

How it Works
Step 1: Apply as a Co-Producer
Fill out an application form to join the program. A virtual meeting schedule will be provided so you can learn more about the program
Step 2: Contract Signing
Upon reaching an agreement, a Co-Producer Agreement shall be signed to begin the collaboration
Step 3: Collaborate and Contribute
Participate in the development of the Lycan product, model, or technologies through funding, technical expertise, or strategic contributions
Step 4: Collect Your Royalties
Once the product enters the market, you may begin collecting royalties from the revenues produced
Available Projects to Co-Produce

Co-Producer Scope
Your collaboration with any of Lycan's products, models, and technologies is generally limited from any point of the development stage up to the commercialization stage where pre-orders are being accepted in preparation for production.
Once mass production begins, you may now enjoy the fruits of your contribution with Lycan's developments.
How Royalties Are Computed
Royalties are computed based off on the gross profits of each unit sold
Gross Profits = Net Revenue - Total Cost of Goods Sold
A detailed overview of projections of royalties, including business plans, production plan, and distribution plans will be sent to you upon application.
Lycan reserves the right to limit the information sent to you or reject your application altogether without the need to provide you with reasons.
Non-Equity, Non-Employment
By joining Lycan's Co-Producer Program, you are purchasing and paying -- whether through cash, non-monetary resources, assets, or services -- exclusive participation in the company's product development efforts and directions, and its limited rights to the associated royalties.
Lycan retains full ownership of its intellectual properties and by becoming a co-producer, Lycan grants you special perks and privileges and compensates you through royalties on future revenues for your valuable contribution to the product's development and success.
Participation in the Lycan Co-Producer Program does not confer ownership rights or equity in Lycan Motorcycles Inc. or any of its subsidiaries nor does this constitute any forms of Employer-Employee relationship.
Schedule a Meeting to Learn More
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